Jing-jing, our sweetest braced girl in the Cat’s Pajamas Hostel!
who is fully in love with music. If you want to know where in
This is The Cat's Pajamas Hostel's official blog, we will do our best to help all guests who plan to visit Taiwan. Please follow us on Twitter (tcphostel) and Facebook (the cat's pajamas hostel)!!
Thinking you’ve got a latino in your soul? Wondering where the latinos have gone in
Starting from Barrio, Hips, until the Micasa now, for years the club has been adding a pinch of latin flavor on top of the lively night life in
Drink-wise, it offers up to 30 different kinds of drinks:
So next time, when you feel like some latin passion, save your ticket to
Please send your Chinese and English resume to tcphostel@gmail.com (with your beautiful picture will be even better). Also if you have special skills (ex: Know a second foreign language well or really good to entertain the guest and express yourself), please let us know as well. We're looking for open-minded and expressive staff to work with, and if we think you're too cool and we must to meet you, we will give you a call. So now start writing your resume and be ready to send it to us!!
請把您的中英文履歷寄至: tcphostel@gmail.com (如果有照片就更好啦!)。同時如果您有任何特殊專長的話(例如會說第二外語,或是可以使用特殊才藝讓大家開懷大笑),也請你務必註明。我們尋找的是一個心胸開闊、思想開放跟善於表達自己的新成員萊加入這個大家庭,如果我們覺得你真的太棒了,我們一定要見見你本人的話,我們會打電話給你。所以現在開始趕快動手寫你的履歷,然後快點寄給我們吧!
What are you waiting for??